I have been a bilingual (Spanish and English) Marriage and Family Therapist since the early 1990s. I have a private practice, specializing in helping you with your relationships, especially but not only couples and teens. I also focus on helping you with Internet gaming problems, anxiety, sleep issues, and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. I have raised two adult children, Jordan and Amara, and live in Northern California with my wife, Maria.
I love this work so much that after 20 years of practice I went back to school for a Doctorate, which I received at almost 59. I published my first book in 2020, a research-based and user-friendly guide for overcoming addictive online video gaming ~ click here for more information.
From September 2023 through August 2024 my wife Maria and I were very fortunate to travel the world while working much less, online.
The journey was transformational in many ways, both personally and inter-personally - we explored 27 countries on four continents, experienced many different cultures, met myriad amazing and diverse people, saw much natural and human (heart) beauty yet also much suffering, and deepened our marital relationship - we are really mirrors for and of each other.
All that led to more growth for me than I can recall in decades - my values as a therapist (and human!) became stronger and even more clear, with the importance and experience of losing our ego being perhaps the most important. And of course acceptance, compassion, and presence remain paramount.
We really are all connected, are truly in this life journey together, and that conviction deeply drives my work.
Thank you.
I feel beyond honored to be with you on your journey.